Obteve 15 resultados para o termo de pesquisa beginning
EN Inglês PT Português
beginning (n) [origin] origem (n) {f} [origin]
beginning (n adj) [act of doing that which begins anything] princípio (n adj) {m} [act of doing that which begins anything]
beginning (n) [origin] princípio (n) {m} [origin]
beginning (n) [origin] fonte (n) {f} [origin]
beginning (n adj) [act of doing that which begins anything] começo (n adj) {m} [act of doing that which begins anything]
beginning (n) [general] começo (n) {m} [general]
beginning (n) [origin] começo (n) {m} [origin]
beginning (n adj) [act of doing that which begins anything] início (n adj) {m} [act of doing that which begins anything]
beginning (n) [event] início (n) {m} [event]
beginning (n) [general] início (n) {m} [general]
beginning (a) [commencing] inicial (a) {f} [commencing]
beginning (a) [commencing] original (a) {m} [commencing]
beginning (n) [event] abertura (n) {f} [event]
beginning inícioos
beginning origeml

Traduções de Inglês Português

EN Sinónimos de beginning PT Traduções
initiation [commencement] iniciación {f}
opening [commencement] orificio {m}
dawn [commencement] creusculo
emergence [commencement] surgimiento
start [commencement] principiar
primary [initial] primario
first [initial] para empezar
basic [initial] bázico
elementary [initial] básico
introductory [initial] introductorio
rudimentary [initial] elemental
creation [origin] creación {f}
birth [origin] dispensar
conception [origin] idea {f}
source [origin] fuente (f (Lat. Amer.))
font [origin] pila bautismal {f}
rise [origin] levantarse
generation [origin] generacion
inception [point of departure] inicio {m}
origin [point of departure] procedencia {f}