Obteve um resultado para o termo de pesquisa estar livre de
PT Português DE Alemão
estar livre de (v) [problema] los sein (v) [problema]

PT DE Traduções para estar

estar (v) [categoria] fallen (v) [categoria]
estar (v) stehen (v)
estar (v n) [to support oneself on the feet in an erect position] stehen (v n) [to support oneself on the feet in an erect position]
estar (v n) [of a person, be in a position in which the upper body is upright and the legs are supported] sitzen (v n) [of a person, be in a position in which the upper body is upright and the legs are supported]
estar (n) sein (n)
estar (v) [elliptical form of "be here", or similar] sein (v) [elliptical form of "be here", or similar]
estar (v) [geral] sein (v) [geral]
estar (v) [occupy a place] sein (v) [occupy a place]
estar (v) [used to form the continuous forms of various tenses] sein (v) [used to form the continuous forms of various tenses]
estar (v) [used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase] sein (v) [used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase]

PT DE Traduções para livre

livre (a) frei (a)
livre (a) [disponível] frei (a) [disponível]
livre (adj adv v) [free of obstacles] frei (adj adv v) [free of obstacles]
livre (a) [geral] frei (a) [geral]
livre (adj adv v n) [not imprisoned] frei (adj adv v n) [not imprisoned]
livre (adj adv v n) [not in use] frei (adj adv v n) [not in use]
livre (adj adv v n) [software: with very few limitations on distribution or improvement] frei (adj adv v n) [software: with very few limitations on distribution or improvement]
livre (adj adv v n) [unconstrained] frei (adj adv v n) [unconstrained]
livre (adj adv v n) [unobstructed] frei (adj adv v n) [unobstructed]
livre (a) [vista] frei (a) [vista]

PT DE Traduções para de

de (v) trotzdem (v)
de (adj adv n) [in extent in a direction away from the observer] tief (adj adv n) [in extent in a direction away from the observer]
de (adv) [small amount at a time] nach und nach (adv) [small amount at a time]
de (adv) [small amount at a time] Stück für Stück (adv) [small amount at a time]
de (o) [geral] zu (o) [geral]
de (o) [geral] für (o) [geral]
de (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of] vor (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of]
de (o) [viajar] über (o) [viajar]
de (adj) [offensive] anstößig (adj) [offensive]
de (o) [livros] durch (o) [livros]