Obteve 73 resultados para o termo de pesquisa de
PT Português DE Alemão
de (conj adv pronoun n) [at what place; to what place; from what place] wohin (conj adv pronoun n) [at what place; to what place; from what place]
de (n adj) [made of brass (attributive use)] messingen (n adj) [made of brass (attributive use)]
de (suffix) [used to make adjectives] -fach (suffix) [used to make adjectives]
de (n adj v) [made of tin] zinnen (n adj v) [made of tin]
de (adj n) [Of high birth or social position] elitär (adj n) [Of high birth or social position]
PT Português DE Alemão
de (adv) [small amount at a time] peu à peu (adv) [small amount at a time]
de (n adj v) [made of cotton] baumwollen (n adj v) [made of cotton]
de (n v adj adv) [constructed of stone] steinern (n v adj adv) [constructed of stone]
de (n) ab (n)
de (conj adv pronoun n) [at what place; to what place; from what place] woher (conj adv pronoun n) [at what place; to what place; from what place]
de (adj n) [at the highest level of development] modernst (adj n) [at the highest level of development] (adj n)
de (conj adv pronoun n) [at what place; to what place; from what place] wo (conj adv pronoun n) [at what place; to what place; from what place]
de (n adj v) [made of copper] kupfern (n adj v) [made of copper]
de (adj) [made of wood] hölzern (adj) [made of wood]
de (adj v) [made of, or relating to, gold] golden (adj v) [made of, or relating to, gold]
de (adj adv n) [towards the wind] gegen den Wind (adj adv n) [towards the wind]
de (adj n) [Of a woman having brown or black hair] brünett (adj n) [Of a woman having brown or black hair]
de (adj) [having blue eyes] blauäugig (adj) [having blue eyes]
de (adj) [lacking emotion or compunction] kaltblütig (adj) [lacking emotion or compunction]
de (adj adv n) [towards the wind] im Wind (adj adv n) [towards the wind] (adj adv n)
de (suffix) [used to make adjectives] -fache (suffix) [used to make adjectives] (suffix)
de (adj n) [Of high birth or social position] Auslese- (adj n) [Of high birth or social position] (adj n)
de (adj n) [Of high birth or social position] Eliten- (adj n) [Of high birth or social position] (adj n)
de (adj n) [Of high birth or social position] Elite- (adj n) [Of high birth or social position] (adj n)
de (n adj) [made of ebony wood] aus Ebenholz (n adj) [made of ebony wood] (n adj)
de (n adj v) [made of cotton] Baumwoll- (n adj v) [made of cotton] (n adj v)
de (adj n) [made of wool] Woll- (adj n) [made of wool] (adj n)
de (adj adv n) [towards the wind] über dem Winde (adj adv n) [towards the wind] (adj adv n)
de (adj) [having an unregulated body temperature; ectothermic] kaltblütig (adj) [having an unregulated body temperature; ectothermic]
de (adj adv n) [towards the wind] windwärts (adj adv n) [towards the wind] (adj adv n)
de (adj adv n) [towards the wind] luvwärts (adj adv n) [towards the wind] (adj adv n)
de (adj adv n) [towards the wind] über dem Winde gelegen (adj adv n) [towards the wind] (adj adv n)
de (adj adv n) [towards the wind] gegen den Wind gelegen (adj adv n) [towards the wind] (adj adv n)
de (adj adv n) [towards the wind] im Wind gelegen (adj adv n) [towards the wind] (adj adv n)
de (adj adv n) [towards the wind] windwärts gelegen (adj adv n) [towards the wind] (adj adv n)
de (adj adv n) [towards the wind] luvwärts gelegen (adj adv n) [towards the wind] (adj adv n)
de (n adj) [flavour] erdbeerig (n adj) [flavour] (n adj)
de (o) [livros] durch (o) [livros]
de (o) [tempo] von (o) [tempo]
de (o) [posse] von (o) [posse]
de (o) [origem] von (o) [origem]
de (o) [lugar] von (o) [lugar]
de (o) [livros] von (o) [livros]
de (prep adv adj n) [indicates creator of a work] von (prep adv adj n) [indicates creator of a work]
de (o) [traço] mit (o) [traço]
de (o) [geral] mit (o) [geral]
de (prep) [with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at] von (prep) [with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at]
de (adj) [offensive] anstößig (adj) [offensive]
de (o) [viajar] über (o) [viajar]
de (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of] vor (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of]
de (o) [geral] für (o) [geral]
de (o) [geral] zu (o) [geral]
de (adv) [small amount at a time] Stück für Stück (adv) [small amount at a time]
de (adv) [small amount at a time] nach und nach (adv) [small amount at a time]
de (adj adv n) [in extent in a direction away from the observer] tief (adj adv n) [in extent in a direction away from the observer]
de (o) [posse] aus (o) [posse]
de (adj n) [made of wool] wollen (adj n) [made of wool]
de (adj) [made of wood] Holz (adj) {n} [made of wood]
de (n adj v) [made of tin] Zinn- (n adj v) [made of tin]
de (o) [origem] stammend von (o) [origem]
de (o) [posição] von ... aus (o) [posição]
de (o) [posição] runter aus (o) [posição]
de (o) [material] hergestellt aus (o) [material]
de (o) [tempo] aus (o) [tempo]
de (v) trotzdem (v)
de (o) [origem] aus (o) [origem]
de (n adj v) [made of cotton] aus (n adj v) [made of cotton]
de (n adj) [made of brass (attributive use)] aus (n adj) [made of brass (attributive use)]
de (o) [lugar] aus (o) [lugar]
de (n) aus (n)
de (adv) [in one way or another; in some way not yet known or designated] irgendwie (adv) [in one way or another; in some way not yet known or designated]
de (prep) [with the source or provenance of or at] von (prep) [with the source or provenance of or at]
de (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of] von (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of]
PT Sinónimos de de DE Traduções
com [para] obawiać się
a partir de [para] od (Prp.)