Obteve 38 resultados para o termo de pesquisa estar
PT Português ES Espanhol
estar (v) [used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase] ser (v) {m} [used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase]
estar (v n) [of a person, be in a position in which the upper body is upright and the legs are supported] sentar se (v n) [of a person, be in a position in which the upper body is upright and the legs are supported] (v n)
estar (n v) [To be in the annual rut] estar en brama (n v) [To be in the annual rut] (n v)
estar (v n) [to support oneself on the feet in an erect position] estar parado (v n) [to support oneself on the feet in an erect position]
estar estar parado
PT Português ES Espanhol
estar (v n) [to be ill] adolecer (v n) [to be ill]
estar (v n) [to support oneself on the feet in an erect position] estar de pie (v n) [to support oneself on the feet in an erect position]
estar estar de pie
estar (v n) [of a person, be in a position in which the upper body is upright and the legs are supported] estar sentado (v n) [of a person, be in a position in which the upper body is upright and the legs are supported]
estar (n v) [to express ill humor or offense by remaining sullenly silent or withdrawn] enfurruñarse (n v) [to express ill humor or offense by remaining sullenly silent or withdrawn]
estar (v) [used to indicate weather, air quality, or the like] hacer (v) [used to indicate weather, air quality, or the like]
estar (v) [geral] ser (v) {m} [geral]
estar (v) [categoria] caer (v) [categoria]
estar (n v) [To be in the annual rut] estar en celo (n v) [To be in the annual rut]
estar (v) [used to form the continuous forms of various tenses] estar (v) [used to form the continuous forms of various tenses]
estar (v) [occupy a place] estar (v) [occupy a place]
estar (v) [geral] estar (v) [geral]
estar (v) [elliptical form of "be here", or similar] estar (v) [elliptical form of "be here", or similar]
estar estar
PT Sinónimos de estar ES Traduções
existir [filosofia] m tồn tại
viver [filosofia] m
ser [filosofia] m được
ficar [assentar] đứng
ES Espanhol PT Português
estar (v) [harmonize in opinion; be in unison or concord; be united; concur] estar de acordo (v) [harmonize in opinion; be in unison or concord; be united; concur]
estar (n) [imaginary place with unrealistic or silly people] Cucolândia das Nuvens (n) [imaginary place with unrealistic or silly people] (n)
estar (v) [used to form the continuous forms of various tenses] estar (v) [used to form the continuous forms of various tenses]
estar (v) [occupy a place] estar (v) [occupy a place]
estar (v) [lugar] estar (v) [lugar]
estar (v) [general] estar (v) [general]
estar (v) [elliptical form of "be here", or similar] estar (v) [elliptical form of "be here", or similar]
estar estar
estar (v) [lugar] ser (v) {m} [lugar]
estar (v) [general] ser (v) {m} [general]
estar (v) [harmonize in opinion; be in unison or concord; be united; concur] concordar (v) [harmonize in opinion; be in unison or concord; be united; concur]
estar (v) [posición] ficar (v) [posición]
estar (v) [lugar] encontrar-se em (v) [lugar]
estar (v) [general] encontrar-se em (v) [general]
estar (v) [lugar] estar em (v) [lugar]
estar (v) [general] estar em (v) [general]
estar (v) [posición] situar-se (v) [posición]
estar (v) [posición] estar situado (v) [posición]
estar (v) [posición] estar localizado (v) [posición]

Traduções de Espanhol Português

ES Sinónimos de estar PT Traduções
andar [estar] m gå hånd i hånd (v)
visitar [concurrir] besøge (n)
ir [concurrir]
asistir [concurrir] tage sig af
participar [asistir] deltage
permanecer [asistir] stå
vivir [ser] leve
existir [ser] eksistere
ser [subsistir] m væsen