PT DE Traduções de Português Alemão para se
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PT | Português | DE | Alemão | |
se (int v) [Go away!] | geh weg! (int v) [Go away!] (int v) | |||
se (pronoun determiner) [third-person singular, of unknown or irrelevant gender] | sie (pronoun determiner) [third-person singular, of unknown or irrelevant gender] | |||
se (o) [geral] | ob (o) [geral] | |||
se (conj) [if, whether or not] | ob (conj) [if, whether or not] | |||
se (conj) [introducing indirect questions] | ob (conj) [introducing indirect questions] |
PT | Português | DE | Alemão | |
se (pronoun n) [(reflexive) your own self] | sich selbst (pronoun n) [(reflexive) your own self] | |||
se (o) [pron. reflexivo - sing.] | sich selbst (o) [pron. reflexivo - sing.] | |||
se (o) [pronome reflexivo] | sich selbst (o) [pronome reflexivo] | |||
se (v int) [''command to leave''] | hau ab! (v int) [''command to leave''] (v int) | |||
se (int v) [Go away!] | hau ab! (int v) [Go away!] (v int) | |||
se (v int) [''command to leave''] | geh weg! (v int) [''command to leave''] (int v) | |||
se (o) [possibilidade] | im Falle dass (o) [possibilidade] | |||
se (v int) [''command to leave''] | verschwinde! (v int) [''command to leave''] (int v) | |||
se (int v) [Go away!] | verschwinde! (int v) [Go away!] (int v) | |||
se (v int) [''command to leave''] | mach, dass Du wegkommst! (v int) [''command to leave''] (int v) | |||
se (int v) [Go away!] | mach, dass Du wegkommst! (int v) [Go away!] (int v) | |||
se (v int) [''command to leave''] | verpiss Dich! (v int) [''command to leave''] (int v) | |||
se (int v) [Go away!] | verpiss Dich! (int v) [Go away!] (int v) | |||
se (int v) [go away] | geh weg (int v) [go away] (int v) | |||
se | selbst (sich) | |||
se | selbst (sich) | |||
se (o) [pron. reflexivo - pl. - cortesia] | sich (o) [pron. reflexivo - pl. - cortesia] | |||
se (n) [(intransitive) to take up a larger area, expand] | ausbreiten (n) [(intransitive) to take up a larger area, expand] | |||
se (o) [condição] | wenn (o) [condição] | |||
se (o) [possibilidade] | wenn (o) [possibilidade] | |||
se (pronoun n) [(reflexive) your own self] | dich (pronoun n) [(reflexive) your own self] | |||
se (o) [pron. reflexivo - sing.] | dich (o) [pron. reflexivo - sing.] | |||
se (o) [pron. reflexivo - pl.] | euch (o) [pron. reflexivo - pl.] | |||
se (pronoun determiner) [one] | man (pronoun determiner) [one] | |||
se (pronoun determiner) [one, people, some people] | man (pronoun determiner) [one, people, some people] | |||
se (pronoun determiner) [third-person singular, of unknown or irrelevant gender] | man (pronoun determiner) [third-person singular, of unknown or irrelevant gender] | |||
se (pronoun n) [(reflexive) your own self] | sich (pronoun n) [(reflexive) your own self] | |||
se | selbst | |||
se (o) [pron. reflexivo - sing.] | sich (o) [pron. reflexivo - sing.] | |||
se (o) [pron. reflexivo - sing. - cortesia] | sich (o) [pron. reflexivo - sing. - cortesia] | |||
se (o) [pronome reflexivo] | sich (o) [pronome reflexivo] | |||
se (pronoun) [the reflexive case of they, the third-person plural personal pronoun] | sich (pronoun) [the reflexive case of they, the third-person plural personal pronoun] | |||
se (pronoun) [to one another; one to the other] | sich (pronoun) [to one another; one to the other] | |||
se (pronoun n) [(reflexive) your own self] | dich selbst (pronoun n) [(reflexive) your own self] | |||
se (pronoun) [to one another; one to the other] | einander (pronoun) [to one another; one to the other] | |||
se (pronoun determiner) [third-person singular, of unknown or irrelevant gender] | er (pronoun determiner) [third-person singular, of unknown or irrelevant gender] | |||
se (o) [possibilidade] | falls (o) [possibilidade] |