Português Alemão
horário nobre Hauptsendezeit
horóscopo Horoskop
Hosni Mubarak Muhammad Husni Mubarak
hospedagem Unterkunft
Hospedagem de sites Webhosting
hospedar einlogieren
hospedar-se bleiben
hospedaria Heim
hospedeiro Wirt
Hospental Hospental
hospital Klinik
hospital de campo Feldlazarett
hospital psiquiátrico Anstalt
Hospital universitário Universitätsklinikum
hospitaleiro gastfreundlich
Hospitalet de Llobregat L’Hospitalet de Llobregat
hospitalidade Gastfreundschaft
Hospitality Club Hospitality Club
hospitalizar hospitalisieren
hospitalização Einlieferung ins Krankenhaus
hospício Irrenhaus
Host Host
Hosta Funkie
hoste Schar
Hostel Hostel
hostil unfreundlich
hostilidade Aversion
Hot Springs Hot Springs
Hot swapping Hot-Plug
Hotan Hotan
Hotaru no haka Die letzten Glühwürmchen
Hotchkiss Hotchkiss et Cie
hotel Hotel
Hotel de Hilbert Hilberts Hotel
Hotel do Amor Love Hotel
Hotel Gleneagles Gleneagles Hotel
Hotel Ibis Ibis
Hotel Rwanda Hotel Ruanda
Hotsite Microsite
Hotspot Hot-Spot
Houaphanh Houaphan
Houari Boumédiène Houari Boumedienne
Houck Houck
Houghton Houghton
Houma Houma
House Haus
House music House
House of Wax House of Wax
House progressivo Progressive House
Houston Houston
Houston Astros Houston Astros
Houston Dynamo Houston Dynamo
Houston Rockets Houston Rockets
Houston Stewart Chamberlain Houston Stewart Chamberlain
Houston Texans Houston Texans
Hovawart Hovawart
Hove Hove
Hovercraft Luftkissenfahrzeug
How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother
How to Deal How to Deal
Howard Aiken Howard Hathaway Aiken
Howard Carter Howard Carter
Howard Gardner Howard Gardner
Howard Hughes Howard Hughes
Howard Shore Howard Shore
Howard Walter Florey Howard Walter Florey
Howell Howell
Hoya de Huesca Hoya de Huesca
Hoyerswerda Hoyerswerda
Hoßkirch Hoßkirch
HPV Humanes Papilloma-Virus
HQ Comic
Hradec Králové Hradec Králové
Hranice Hranice na Moravě
Hrant Dink Hrant Dink
Hristo Stoitchkov Christo Stoitschkow
Hrodna Hrodna
Hron Hron
Hryvnia Hrywnja
HSDPA High Speed Downlink Packet Access
Hsen Hsu Hu Hu Xiansu
HSH Nordbank Arena HSH Nordbank Arena
Hsing-I Chuan Xingyiquan
Hsu Wei Lun Xu Wei-Lun
HSV HSV-Farbraum
HTML Hypertext Markup Language
HTPC Home Theater Personal Computer
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
Hu Jintao Hu Jintao
Hu Yaobang Hu Yaobang
Huabeisaurus Huabeisaurus
Huachuca City Huachuca City
Huainan Huainan
Huainanzi Huainanzi
Huambo Huambo
Huancayo Huancayo
Huang-Taiji Huang Taiji
Huangdi Huáng Dì
Huaraz Huaraz
Huascar Huáscar
Huascarán Nevado Huascarán
Huastecas Huaxteken
Huayangossauro Huayangosaurus
Huayna Capac Huayna Cápac
Huayna Potosí Huayna Potosí
Hub Hub
Hubal Hubal
Hubble Hubble
Hubble Deep Field Hubble Deep Field
Hubble Ultra Deep Field Hubble Ultra Deep Field
Hubei Hubei
Hubert Léonard Hubert Léonard
Hubert Robert Hubert Robert
Huckleberry Hound Hucky und seine Freunde
Hud Hud
Hudson Hudson
Hueco Tanks Mogollon-Kultur
Huedin Huedin
Huelva Huelva
Huerfano Huerfano
Huerta Obstgarten
Huertea Huerteales
Huesca Huesca
Huey Newton Huey Newton
Hueytown Hueytown
Hugh David Politzer David Politzer
Hugh Grant Hugh Grant
Hugh Jackman Hugh Jackman
Hugh Laurie Hugh Laurie
Hugh McDonald Hugh McDonald
Hugh Walpole Hugh Walpole
Hughes Hughes Aircraft
Hughli Hugli-Chunchura
Hugin Hugin und Munin
Hugin e Munin Hugin und Munin
Hugo Hugo
Hugo Alcântara Hugo
Hugo Andore Hugo
Hugo Ball Hugo Ball
Hugo Banzer Hugo Banzer Suárez
Hugo Becker Hugo Becker
Hugo Capeto Hugo Capet
Hugo Chávez Hugo Chávez
Hugo de Cluny Hugo von Cluny
Hugo de Payens Hugo von Payns
Hugo de Vries Hugo de Vries
Hugo Egmont Hørring Hugo Egmont Hørring
Hugo Gernsback Hugo Gernsback
Hugo Grócio Hugo Grotius
Hugo Gunckel Luer Hugo Gunckel Lüer
Hugo Hurley Reyes Jorge Garcia
Hugo I de Vermandois Hugo von Vermandois
Hugo Preuss Hugo Preuß
Hugo Schmeisser Hugo Schmeisser
Hugo Sánchez Hugo Sánchez
Hugo van der Goes Hugo van der Goes
Hugo von Hofmannsthal Hugo von Hofmannsthal
Hugo von Mohl Hugo Mohl
Hugo Weaving Hugo Weaving
Huguenote Hugenotten
Huguinho, Zezinho e Luisinho Tick, Trick und Track
Huia Huia
Huicholes Huicholen
Huila Huila
Huitzilopochtli Huitzilopochtli
Hulagu Khan Chülegü
hulha Anthrazit
hulheira Kohlebergwerk
Huliganas Huliganas
Hulk Hulk
Hulk Hogan Hulk Hogan
Hull Hull
Hull City Association Football Club Hull City
Hultsfred Hultsfred
hum hm
Humaitá Humaitá
Human Rights Watch Human Rights Watch
Human Trafficking Human Trafficking
humana Mensch
Humanae Vitae Humanae Vitae
humanamente menschlich
humanidade Güte
humanismo Humanismus
Humanismo Secular Humanismus
humanista Humanist
humanitarismo Menschenliebe
humanitário humanitär