Obteve 8 resultados para o termo de pesquisa data
PT Português SV Sueco
data (n) [calendário] {f} datum (n) {n} [calendário]
data (n) [evento] {f} datum (n) {n} [evento]
data (n v) [point of time at which a transaction or event takes place] {f} datum (n v) {n} [point of time at which a transaction or event takes place]
data (n) [calendário] {f} årtal (n) {n} [calendário]
data (n) [evento] {f} årtal (n) {n} [evento]
PT Português SV Sueco
data (n v) [point in time] {f} tidpunkt (n v) [point in time] (u)
data (n v) [that which specifies the time of writing, inscription etc.] {f} datering (n v) [that which specifies the time of writing, inscription etc.]
SV Sueco PT Português
data (n) [information] (p) dados (n) [information] (mp)

Traduções de Sueco Português

SV Sinónimos de data PT Traduções
historia [historik] (u tale
annaler [historik] (p records
krönika [historik] (u chronicle
upplysning [meddelande] (u enlightenment
underrättelse [meddelande] (u notification (formal)
påstående [meddelande] n assertion
rapport [meddelande] (u report
förklaring [meddelande] (u explanation
anförande [meddelande] n address
notis [meddelande] news-item
siffra [meddelande] (u digit
uppgift [meddelande] (u exercise
siffror [uppgifter] digits
omständigheter [uppgifter] (up circumstances
information [uppgifter] (u detail
faktum [fakta] n fact