Obteve 9 resultados para o termo de pesquisa alternativ
SV Sueco PT Português
alternativ (adj n) [Relating to a choice] {n} alternativo (adj n) [Relating to a choice]
alternativ (a) [inte traditionell] {n} alternativo (a) [inte traditionell]
alternativ (a) [olik] {n} alternativo (a) [olik]
alternativ (adj n) [other] {n} alternativo (adj n) [other]
alternativ (adj n v) [other; alternative] {n} alternativo (adj n v) [other; alternative]
SV Sueco PT Português
alternativ (adj n) [a situation which allows a choice between two or more possibilities] {n} alternativa (adj n) {f} [a situation which allows a choice between two or more possibilities]
alternativ (adj n) [one of several things which can be chosen] {n} alternativa (adj n) {f} [one of several things which can be chosen]
alternativ (n) [val] {n} alternativa (n) {f} [val]
alternativ (n adj) [option or decision] {n} escolha (n adj) {f} [option or decision]

Traduções de Sueco Português

SV Sinónimos de alternativ PT Traduções
chans [utsikt] (u okazja {f}
sannolikhet [utsikt] (u prawdopodobieństwo {n}
medel [utsikt] n środek {m}
råd [utsikt] n wskazówka {f}
hypotes [utsikt] (u hipoteza {f}
möjlighet [utsikt] (u możliwość {f}
lösning [val] (u rozwiązanie
väg [val] (u droga {f}
ersättning [val] (u płaca {f}
synonym [val] synonim {m}
fall [val] n upadek
sätt [val] n sposób {m}
omväxlande [parallell] zmienny
turvis [parallell] kolejno
diverse [parallell] rozmaity
annan [parallell] inne {n}
annorlunda [skiljaktig] inny
särskild [skiljaktig] specjalny
olika [skiljaktig] rozmaity
resurs [möjlighet] majątek {m}