Obteve 29 resultados para o termo de pesquisa de
PT Português PL Polonês
de (adj) [having blue eyes] niebieskooki (adj) [having blue eyes]
de (n adj) [flavour] winogronowy (n adj) [flavour] (n adj)
de (n adj) [made of ebony wood] hebanowy (n adj) [made of ebony wood] (n adj)
de (n adj v) [made of brick(s)] ceglany (n adj v) [made of brick(s)] (n adj v)
de (adj) [having blue eyes] niebieskooka (adj) [having blue eyes] (adj)
PT Português PL Polonês
de (adj) [made of birch] brzozowy (adj) [made of birch] (adj)
de (n adj v) [made of tin] cynowy (n adj v) [made of tin] (n adj v)
de (adj n) [at the highest level of development] najnowocześniejszy (adj n) [at the highest level of development] (adj n)
de (adj n) [at the highest level of development] najnowszy (adj n) [at the highest level of development]
de (n adj) [flavour] cynamonowy (n adj) [flavour]
de (n adj v) [made of cotton] bawełniany (n adj v) [made of cotton]
de (n adj) [flavour] truskawkowy (n adj) [flavour]
de (conj adv pronoun n) [at what place; to what place; from what place] dokąd (conj adv pronoun n) [at what place; to what place; from what place]
de (conj adv pronoun n) [at what place; to what place; from what place] skąd (conj adv pronoun n) [at what place; to what place; from what place]
de (n adj) [made of bamboo] bambus (n adj) {m} [made of bamboo]
de (adj) [made of wood] drewniany (adj) [made of wood]
de (conj adv pronoun n) [at what place; to what place; from what place] gdzie (conj adv pronoun n) [at what place; to what place; from what place]
de (adj v) [made of, or relating to, gold] złoty (adj v) [made of, or relating to, gold]
de (prep) [with the source or provenance of or at] z (prep) [with the source or provenance of or at]
de (prep) [with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at] z (prep) [with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at]
de (n) z (n)
de (adv) [small amount at a time] po trochu (adv) [small amount at a time]
de (prep adv adj n) [indicates creator of a work] przez (prep adv adj n) [indicates creator of a work] (Prp.)
de (n adj int v) [parting, valedictory, final] pożegnalny (n adj int v) [parting, valedictory, final]
de (prep) [with the source or provenance of or at] od (prep) [with the source or provenance of or at] (Prp.)
de (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of] od (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of] (Prp.)
de (n adj) [made of brass (attributive use)] mosiężny (n adj) [made of brass (attributive use)]
de (n adj v) [made of copper] miedziany (n adj v) [made of copper]
de (n v adj adv) [constructed of stone] kamienny (n v adj adv) [constructed of stone]
PT Sinónimos de de PL Traduções
com [para] obawiać się
a partir de [para] od (Prp.)