Obteve 4 resultados para o termo de pesquisa variation
FR Francês PT Português
variation (n) [a musical technique based on an altered repetition of a theme] {f} variação (n) {f} [a musical technique based on an altered repetition of a theme]
variation (n) [général] {f} variação (n) {f} [général]
variation (n) [the act or state of varying] {f} variação (n) {f} [the act or state of varying]
variation (n) [général] {f} oscilação (n) {f} [général]

Traduções de Francês Português

FR Sinónimos de variation PT Traduções
évolution [mouvement] f evolution
fluctuation [mouvement] f fluktuation (n)
changement [mouvement] m forandring
différence [mesures] f differens (n v)
fourchette [mesures] f gaffel
développement [changement] m udvikling (n)
révolution [changement] f revolution (n)
marche [changement] f vandretur
écho [leitmotiv] m ekko
dispersion [différence] f dispersion
amplitude [différence] f amplitude