Obteve 32 resultados para o termo de pesquisa sujet
FR Francês PT Português
sujet (n) [personne] {m} sujeito (n) {m} [personne]
sujet {m} temas
sujet (n) [expérience] {m} objeto de experiência (n) {m} [expérience]
sujet (n) [expérience] {m} cobaia (n) {f} [expérience]
sujet (n) [politique - homme] {m} súdito (n) {m} [politique - homme]
sujet (n) [personne] {m} súdito (n) {m} [personne]
sujet (n) [linguistique] {m} súdito (n) {m} [linguistique]
sujet (adj n v) [citizen in a monarchy] {m} súdito (adj n v) {m} [citizen in a monarchy]
sujet (n adj v) [topic of particular importance in a given context] {m} centro (n adj v) {m} [topic of particular importance in a given context]
sujet (n) [écriture] {m} tópico (n) {m} [écriture]
sujet (n) [thème] {m} tópico (n) {m} [thème]
sujet (n) [subject; theme] {m} tópico (n) {m} [subject; theme]
sujet (n) [discussion] {m} tópico (n) {m} [discussion]
sujet (n) [écriture] {m} tema (n) {m} [écriture]
sujet (n) [thème] {m} tema (n) {m} [thème]
sujet (n) [discussion] {m} tema (n) {m} [discussion]
sujet (n) [raison] {m} motivo (n) {m} [raison]
sujet (n) [linguistique] {m} sujeito (n) {m} [linguistique]
sujet (adj n v) [likely to be affected by something] {m} sujeito (adj n v) {m} [likely to be affected by something]
sujet (adj n v) [in grammar] {m} sujeito (adj n v) {m} [in grammar]
sujet (adj n v) [human, animal or an inanimate object that is being examined] {m} sujeito (adj n v) {m} [human, animal or an inanimate object that is being examined]
sujet (n) [écriture] {m} matéria (n) {f} [écriture]
sujet (n) [thème] {m} matéria (n) {f} [thème]
sujet (n) [science] {m} matéria (n) {f} [science]
sujet (adj n v) [main topic] {m} matéria (adj n v) {f} [main topic]
sujet (n) [discussion] {m} matéria (n) {f} [discussion]
sujet (n) [affaire] {m} matéria (n) {f} [affaire]
sujet (n) [affaire] {m} questão (n) {m} [affaire]
sujet (n) [écriture] {m} assunto (n) {m} [écriture]
sujet (n) [thème] {m} assunto (n) {m} [thème]
sujet (n) [discussion] {m} assunto (n) {m} [discussion]
sujet (n) [affaire] {m} assunto (n) {m} [affaire]

Traduções de Francês Português

FR Sinónimos de sujet PT Traduções
ébauche [plan] f rascunho {m}
esquisse [plan] f esboço {m}
modèle [plan] m projeto {m}
croquis [plan] m desenho {m}
scénario [plan] m roteiro {m}
crayon [plan] m lápis {m}
dossier [affaire] m diretório
procès [affaire] m julgamento {m}
matière [affaire] f matéria {f}
question [affaire] f questão {m}
cause [affaire] f causa {f}
domaine [matière] m granja {m}
carrière [matière] f carreira {f}
sphère [matière] f esfera {f}
cercle [matière] m círculo {m}
champ [matière] m terreno {m}
point [fait] m ponto final {m}
objet [fait] m armadilha {f}
rubrique [fait] f registro {m}
chapitre [fait] m capítulo {m}