Obteve 10 resultados para o termo de pesquisa ON
EN Inglês PT Português
on (o) [preposition] no (o) [preposition]
on (o) [surface] no (o) [surface]
on (o) [preposition] sobre (o) [preposition]
on (o) [surface] sobre (o) [surface]
on em direção a
on em
on na
on em cima
on no
on sobre

Traduções de Inglês Português

EN Sinónimos de on PT Traduções
ahead [direction] naprzód
forward [direction] naprzód
forth [direction] (literature naprzód
along [direction] wzdłuż
against [position] względem
next to [position] obok
close to [position] koło
beside [position] przy (Prp.)
near [position] niedaleko
toward [movement] na (Prp.)
hence [departure] stąd
out [departure] aut {m}
from [departure] z
by [part of speech] poprzez
throughout [part of speech] poprzez
during [part of speech] podczas (Prp.)
through [part of speech] (informal poprzez
over [part of speech] nad (Prp.)