Obteve 2 resultados para o termo de pesquisa in the back
EN Inglês PT Português
in the back (o) [position] atrás (o) [position]
in the back (o) [position] na traseira (o) [position]

EN PT Traduções para in

in (o) [preposition] no (o) [preposition]
in em
in (o) [preposition] em (o) [preposition]
in (o) [proximity] em (o) [proximity]
in dentro de
in (o) [preposition] na (o) [preposition]
in (o) [preposition] dentro (o) [preposition]
in nos
in nas
in nosxi

EN PT Traduções para the

the (o) [definite article] a (o) [definite article]
the o
the (o) [definite article] o (o) [definite article]
the (o) [definite article] os (o) [definite article]
the (o) [definite article] as (o) [definite article]
the (article adv) ['''the''' + ~''comparative'', '''the''' + ''comparative''] quanto (article adv) ['''the''' + ~''comparative'', '''the''' + ''comparative'']
the a
the os
the as

EN PT Traduções para back

back (o) [direction] para trás (o) [direction]
back (o) [direction] atrás (o) [direction]
back (n) [rear] traseira (n) {f} [rear]
back parte traseira {f}
back (n) [building] fundos (n) {m} [building]
back (n) [rear] parte de trás (n) {f} [rear]
back (n) [surface] verso (n) {m} [surface]
back costas {f}
back (n) [anatomy] costas (n) {f} [anatomy]
back (n) [surface] costas (n) {f} [surface]