Obteve 17 resultados para o termo de pesquisa affect
EN Inglês PT Português
affect (v) [emotion] comover (v) [emotion]
affect afete
affect (v) [psychology: feeling in response to a stimulus] afeto (v) {m} [psychology: feeling in response to a stimulus]
affect (v) [pretend] fingir (v) [pretend]
affect (v) [health] danificar (v) [health]
affect (v) [health] prejudicar (v) [health]
affect (v) [determine] determinar (v) [determine]
affect (v) [influence] influenciar (v) [influence]
affect (v) [determine] influenciar (v) [determine]
affect (v) [concern] concernir (v) [concern]
affect (v) [emotion] tocar (v) [emotion]
affect (v) [concern] tocar (v) [concern]
affect (v) [pretend] afetar (v) [pretend]
affect (v) [influence] afetar (v) [influence]
affect (v) [health] afetar (v) [health]
affect (v) [emotion] afetar (v) [emotion]
affect (v) [concern] afetar (v) [concern]

Traduções de Inglês Português