Obteve 29 resultados para o termo de pesquisa TA
PT Português SV Sueco
(adj adv int) [of course] (adj adv int) självklart (adj adv int) [of course]
(adv n) [informal "yes"] (adj adv int) jepp (adv n) [informal "yes"]
(adj adv int) [of course] (adj adv int) jodå (adj adv int) [of course] (adj adv int)
(adv n) [informal "yes"] (adj adv int) jäpp (adv n) [informal "yes"] (adv n)
SV Sueco PT Português
ta (v n) [to grab with the hands] agarrar (v n) [to grab with the hands]
ta (int n v) [to measure time] cronometrar (int n v) [to measure time]
ta (v n) [to have sex with] violentar (v n) [to have sex with]
ta (v) [tillfälle] não deixar escapar (v) [tillfälle]
ta (v n) [to have sex with] violar (v n) [to have sex with]
ta (v) [tid] durar (v) [tid]
ta (v) [tillfälle] agarrar-se (v) [tillfälle]
ta (v n) [to choose] escolher (v n) [to choose]
ta (v n) [to support or carry without failing or breaking] aguentar (v n) [to support or carry without failing or breaking]
ta (v n) [to endure] aguentar (v n) [to endure]
ta (v n) [to carry] levar (v n) [to carry]
ta (v) [tid] levar (v) [tid]
ta (v n) [to carry] carregar (v n) [to carry]
ta (v n) [to grab with the hands] pegar (v n) [to grab with the hands]
ta (v) [aktion] fazer (v) [aktion]
ta (v) [brott] prender (v) [brott]
ta (v n) [to ingest medicine] tomar (v n) [to ingest medicine]
ta (v n) [to grab with the hands] tomar (v n) [to grab with the hands]
ta (v n) [to grab and move to oneself] tomar (v n) [to grab and move to oneself]
ta (v n) [to get into one's possession] tomar (v n) [to get into one's possession]
ta (v n) [to choose] tomar (v n) [to choose]
ta (v n) [military: to gain a position by force] tomar (v n) [military: to gain a position by force]
ta (v) [medicin] tomar (v) [medicin]
ta (v) [allmän] tomar (v) [allmän]
ta (v) [aktion] tomar (v) [aktion]

Traduções de Sueco Português

SV Sinónimos de ta PT Traduções
bita [hugga] bide
knycka [rycka till sig] stjæle
mottaga [antaga] modtage
välja [antaga] vælge
gripa [fatta] gribe (v)
beröra [fatta] berøre
räcka [fatta] holde (v n)
dra [fatta] trække
knipa [fånga] (u hvinand (n)
röva [stjäla] røve (v)
konfiskera [beslagta] konfiskere (v)
ockupera [erövra] besætte (adj n v)
älska [enlevera] elsker
fungera [bita] virke (n v)
vinna [få] vinde (v n)
ta emot [få] modtage
erhålla [få] modtage
flamma upp [ta sig] flamme
ta hand om [ta sig an] tage sig af
hitta [ta sig fram] udpege