Obteve 2 resultados para o termo de pesquisa rumo a
PT Português SV Sueco
rumo a (prep adj) [in the direction of] (prep adj) till (prep adj) [in the direction of]
rumo a (prep adj) [in the direction of] (prep adj) mot (prep adj) [in the direction of]

PT SV Traduções para rumo

rumo (adj n) [nautical sense] {m} bäring (adj n) [nautical sense]

PT SV Traduções para a

a (prep adj) [in the direction of] till (prep adj) [in the direction of]
a (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at] till (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at]
a (particle prep adv) [used to indicate ratios] till (particle prep adv) [used to indicate ratios]
a (particle prep adv) [used to indicate the indirect object] till (particle prep adv) [used to indicate the indirect object]
a (prep adj) [in the direction of] mot (prep adj) [in the direction of]
a (particle prep adv) [used to indicate the indirect object] åt (particle prep adv) [used to indicate the indirect object]
a vid
a (article adv) [article] det (article adv) [article]
a (article adv) [stressed, indicating that the object in question is the only one worthy of attention] det (article adv) [stressed, indicating that the object in question is the only one worthy of attention]