Obteve 5 resultados para o termo de pesquisa com o passar do tempo
PT Português SV Sueco
com o passar do tempo (o) [futuro] i sinom tid (o) [futuro]
com o passar do tempo (o) [futuro] efteråt (o) [futuro]
com o passar do tempo (o) [futuro] senare (o) [futuro]
com o passar do tempo (o) [futuro] längre fram (o) [futuro]
com o passar do tempo (o) [futuro] en vacker dag (o) [futuro]

PT SV Traduções para com

com (particle prep adv) [used after certain adjectives to indicate a relationship] till (particle prep adv) [used after certain adjectives to indicate a relationship]
com (prep) [against] mot (prep) [against]
com (particle prep adv) [used after certain adjectives to indicate a relationship] mot (particle prep adv) [used after certain adjectives to indicate a relationship]
com (adj) [impressed with fear or apprehension; in fear; apprehensive] rädd (adj) [impressed with fear or apprehension; in fear; apprehensive]
com (adv) [very well] utmärkt (adv) [very well]
com (adj) [wearing spectacles (glasses)] glasögonprydd (adj) [wearing spectacles (glasses)]
com (prep) [against] med (prep) [against]
com (prep) [by means of] med (prep) [by means of]
com (o) [geral] med (o) [geral]
com (prep) [in addition to] med (prep) [in addition to]

PT SV Traduções para o

o (determiner adv pronoun int) [a sufficient or adequate number, amount, etc] nog (determiner adv pronoun int) [a sufficient or adequate number, amount, etc]
o (determiner adv pronoun int) [a sufficient or adequate number, amount, etc] tillräckligt (determiner adv pronoun int) [a sufficient or adequate number, amount, etc]
o (article adv) [article] det (article adv) [article]
o (o) [artigo definido] det (o) [artigo definido]
o (article adv) [stressed, indicating that the object in question is the only one worthy of attention] det (article adv) [stressed, indicating that the object in question is the only one worthy of attention]
o (article adv) [used as an alternative to a possessive pronoun before body parts] det (article adv) [used as an alternative to a possessive pronoun before body parts]
o (article adv) [with a superlative] det (article adv) [with a superlative]
o (article adv) [with an adjectival noun, as in “the hungry” to mean “hungry people”] det (article adv) [with an adjectival noun, as in “the hungry” to mean “hungry people”]
o (article adv) [article] den (article adv) [article]
o (o) [artigo definido] den (o) [artigo definido]

PT SV Traduções para passar

passar (v) [efeito] minska (v) [efeito]
passar (v) [efeito] avta (v) [efeito]
passar (v) [destreza] överlämna (v) [destreza]
passar (v) [tradição] överlämna (v) [tradição]
passar (v) [a pé] förflyta (v) [a pé]
passar (v) [tempo] förflyta (v) [tempo]
passar (adv n v) [stay a while] stanna (adv n v) [stay a while]
passar (v) [destreza] överlåta (v) [destreza]
passar (v) [tradição] överlåta (v) [tradição]
passar (v) [geral] bli accepterad (v) [geral]

PT SV Traduções para do

(n v abbr) [tonic of a major scale] {f} do (n v abbr) [tonic of a major scale] (n v abbr)

PT SV Traduções para tempo

tempo {m} tid (u)
tempo (n) [história] {m} tidevarv (n) {n} [história]
tempo (n) [passado] {m} tidevarv (n) {n} [passado]
tempo (n) [música] {m} tempo (n) {n} [música]
tempo (n conj v) [uncertain duration of time, a period of time] {m} tag (n conj v) {n} [uncertain duration of time, a period of time]
tempo (adj n v) [segment of a sport event] {m} rond (adj n v) [segment of a sport event] (u)
tempo (n) [break from a heated or stressful situation] {m} vilopaus (n) [break from a heated or stressful situation] (u)
tempo (n conj v) [uncertain duration of time, a period of time] {m} stund (n conj v) [uncertain duration of time, a period of time] (u)
tempo (n) [meteorologia] {m} väder (n) {n} [meteorologia]
tempo (n v) [state of the atmosphere] {m} väder (n v) {n} [state of the atmosphere]
PT Sinónimos de com o passar do tempo SV Traduções
logo depois [após] därefter
logo em seguida [após] därefter
em seguida [após]
além de [após] bortom
mais tarde [após] i sinom tid
depois [após] senare