Obteve um resultado para o termo de pesquisa Lista de imperadores da Etiópia

PT PL Traduções para lista

lista (n) {f} lista (n) {f}
lista (n) [list of things to be verified] {f} lista kontrolna (n) [list of things to be verified] (n)

PT PL Traduções para de

de (adj) [made of wood] drewniany (adj) [made of wood]
de (n v adj adv) [constructed of stone] kamienny (n v adj adv) [constructed of stone]
de (n adj v) [made of copper] miedziany (n adj v) [made of copper]
de (n adj) [made of brass (attributive use)] mosiężny (n adj) [made of brass (attributive use)]
de (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of] od (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of] (Prp.)
de (prep) [with the source or provenance of or at] od (prep) [with the source or provenance of or at] (Prp.)
de (n adj int v) [parting, valedictory, final] pożegnalny (n adj int v) [parting, valedictory, final]
de (prep adv adj n) [indicates creator of a work] przez (prep adv adj n) [indicates creator of a work] (Prp.)
de (adv) [small amount at a time] po trochu (adv) [small amount at a time]
de (n) z (n)

PT PL Traduções para etiópia

Etiópia (n) {f} Etiopia (n)
Etiópia (proper) [country in Eastern Africa] {f} Etiopia (proper) [country in Eastern Africa]