Obteve 12 resultados para o termo de pesquisa staan
NL Holandês PT Português
staan (v n) [to remain motionless] parar (v n) [to remain motionless]
staan (v int n) [to indicate in a written form] dizer (v int n) [to indicate in a written form]
staan (v) [houding] estar de pé (v) [houding]
staan (v) [to exist] ter (v) [to exist]
staan (v) [to exist] existir (v) {m} [to exist]
staan (v n) [to remain motionless] ficar (v n) [to remain motionless]
staan (v n) [to remain motionless] permanecer (v n) [to remain motionless]
staan (v n) [to support oneself on the feet in an erect position] permanecer (v n) [to support oneself on the feet in an erect position]
staan (v) [occupy a place] estar (v) [occupy a place]
staan (v n) [to support oneself on the feet in an erect position] estar (v n) [to support oneself on the feet in an erect position]
staan (v) [to exist] haver (v) [to exist]
staan (v) [houding] ficar de pé (v) [houding]

Traduções de Holandês Português