PT NL Traduções de Português Holandês para ser
Obteve 32 resultados para o termo de pesquisa ser
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PT | Português | NL | Holandês | |
ser (v n) [to be able] {m} | kunnen (v n) [to be able] | |||
ser (adj v n) [be equal to] {m} | gelijk zijn aan (adj v n) [be equal to] (n adj v) | |||
ser (v n) [colloquial: term of general disparagement] {m} | klote zijn (v n) [colloquial: term of general disparagement] (v n) | |||
ser (v) [happen to someone who deserves it] {m} | zijn verdiende loon (v) [happen to someone who deserves it] (v) | |||
ser (v) [to be plentiful] {m} | in grote aantallen voorkomen (v) [to be plentiful] (v) | |||
ser (v) [to be copiously supplied] {m} | krioelen (v) [to be copiously supplied] | |||
ser (v) [to be plentiful] {m} | wemelen (v) [to be plentiful] | |||
ser (v) [to be copiously supplied] {m} | wemelen (v) [to be copiously supplied] | |||
ser (v) [occur, take place] {m} | plaatsvinden (v) [occur, take place] | |||
ser (n) [existir] {m} | leven (n) {n} [existir] | |||
ser (v) [used to indicate that the values on either side of an equation are the same] {m} | gelijk (v) [used to indicate that the values on either side of an equation are the same] | |||
ser (n) [ser vivo] {m} | levend wezen (n) {n} [ser vivo] | |||
ser (n) [ser vivo] {m} | wezen (n) {n} [ser vivo] | |||
ser (n conj) [a living creature] {m} | wezen (n conj) {n} [a living creature] | |||
ser (n) [ser vivo] {m} | schepsel (n) {n} [ser vivo] | |||
ser (v) [be enough, sufficient, adequate] {m} | volstaan (v) [be enough, sufficient, adequate] | |||
ser (v) [be enough, sufficient, adequate] {m} | voldoen (v) [be enough, sufficient, adequate] | |||
ser (v) [geral] {m} | bestaan (v) {n} [geral] | |||
ser (v) [filosofia] {m} | bestaan (v) {n} [filosofia] | |||
ser (n) [existir] {m} | bestaan (n) {n} [existir] | |||
ser (v) [used to indicate that the subject plays the role of the predicate nominative] {m} | zijn (v) {n} [used to indicate that the subject plays the role of the predicate nominative] | |||
ser (v) [used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase] {m} | zijn (v) {n} [used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase] | |||
ser (v) [used to indicate that the subject and object are the same] {m} | zijn (v) {n} [used to indicate that the subject and object are the same] | |||
ser (v) [occur, take place] {m} | zijn (v) {n} [occur, take place] | |||
ser (v) [geral] {m} | zijn (v) {n} [geral] | |||
ser (v) [filosofia] {m} | zijn (v) {n} [filosofia] | |||
ser (n) [existir] {m} | zijn (n) {n} [existir] | |||
ser (v) [(archaic) used to form the perfect aspect with certain intransitive verbs] {m} | zijn (v) {n} [(archaic) used to form the perfect aspect with certain intransitive verbs] | |||
ser (v) [to be plentiful] {m} | overvloedig (v) [to be plentiful] | |||
ser (v) [used to form the passive voice] {m} | worden (v) {n} [used to form the passive voice] | |||
ser (v) [be enough, sufficient, adequate] {m} | genoeg (v) [be enough, sufficient, adequate] | |||
ser (v n) [to be able] {m} | vermogen (v n) {n} [to be able] |
PT | Sinónimos de ser | NL | Traduções | |
estar [filosofia] | sulk | |||
existir [filosofia] m | exist | |||
viver [filosofia] m | dwell (literature) | |||
criatura [ser vivo] f | critter |