Obteve 9 resultados para o termo de pesquisa no que diz respeito a
| no (adv) [ultimately] | | uiteindelijk (adv) [ultimately] | |
| no (o) [preposição] | | op (o) [preposição] | |
| no (adv prep adj n v) [toward the top] | | op (adv prep adj n v) [toward the top] | |
| no (adv prep adj n v) [toward the top] | | omhoog (adv prep adj n v) [toward the top] | |
| no (adv n) [in foreign countries] | | buitenland (adv n) {n} [in foreign countries] | |
| no (o) [preposição] | | in (o) [preposição] | |
| no (o) [superfície] | | erop (o) [superfície] | |
| no (o) [pron. pess. - objeto direto - sing.] | | je (o) [pron. pess. - objeto direto - sing.] | |
| no (o) [pron. pess. - objeto direto - sing.] | | jij (o) [pron. pess. - objeto direto - sing.] | |
| no (o) [pron. pess. - objeto direto] | | hem (o) [pron. pess. - objeto direto] | |
| que (conj prep adv) [Introduces a comparison] | | dan (conj prep adv) [Introduces a comparison] | |
| que (o) [comparação] | | dan (o) [comparação] | |
| que (adv conj) [on account] | | daar (adv conj) [on account] | |
| que (adv conj) [on account] | | omdat (adv conj) [on account] | |
| que (adv conj) [on account] | | want (adv conj) [on account] | |
| que (determiner pronoun n) [(''relative'') who, whom, what] | | dat (determiner pronoun n) [(''relative'') who, whom, what] | |
| que (o) [conjunção] | | dat (o) [conjunção] | |
| que (conj determiner pronoun adv) [connecting a noun clause] | | dat (conj determiner pronoun adv) [connecting a noun clause] | |
| que (pronoun adv int determiner) [nonstandard relative pronoun] | | dat (pronoun adv int determiner) [nonstandard relative pronoun] | |
| que (o) [pron. - relativo - sujeito - pl.] | | dat (o) [pron. - relativo - sujeito - pl.] | |
| respeito (n v int) [admiration for a person or entity because of perceived merit] {m} | | eerbied (n v int) {m} [admiration for a person or entity because of perceived merit] | |
| respeito (n) [geral] {m} | | eerbied (n) {m} [geral] | |
| respeito (n) [sentimento] {m} | | eerbied (n) {m} [sentimento] | |
| respeito (n v int) [admiration for a person or entity because of perceived merit] {m} | | respect (n v int) {n} [admiration for a person or entity because of perceived merit] | |
| respeito (n) [sentimento] {m} | | respect (n) {n} [sentimento] | |
| respeito (n v int) [admiration for a person or entity because of perceived merit] {m} | | achting (n v int) {f} [admiration for a person or entity because of perceived merit] | |
| respeito (n) [sentimento] {m} | | achting (n) {f} [sentimento] | |
| respeito (n) [sentimento] {m} | | waardering (n) {f} [sentimento] | |
| respeito (n) [geral] {m} | | ontzag (n) {n} [geral] | |
| a (prep adj) [in the direction of] | | naar (prep adj) [in the direction of] | |
| a (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at] | | naar (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at] | |
| a | | bij {m} | |
| a (prep adv adj n) [indicates a means] | | op (prep adv adj n) [indicates a means] | |
| a (particle prep adv) [used to indicate the indirect object] | | aan (particle prep adv) [used to indicate the indirect object] | |
| a (prep adv adj n) [indicates a means] | | door (prep adv adj n) [indicates a means] | |
| a (article adv) [article] | | de (article adv) [article] | |
| a (article adv) [stressed, indicating that the object in question is the only one worthy of attention] | | de (article adv) [stressed, indicating that the object in question is the only one worthy of attention] | |
| a (article adv) [with an adjectival noun, as in “the hungry” to mean “hungry people”] | | de (article adv) [with an adjectival noun, as in “the hungry” to mean “hungry people”] | |
| a (article adv) [article] | | het (article adv) [article] | |