Obteve 2 resultados para o termo de pesquisa estar morrendo de fome
PT Português NL Holandês
estar morrendo de fome (v) [fome] hongeren (v) [fome]
estar morrendo de fome (v) [fome] honger lijden (v) [fome]

PT NL Traduções para estar

estar (v) [to be very hungry] sterven (v) {n} [to be very hungry]
estar (v n) [to be ill] sukkelen (v n) [to be ill]
estar (v) [occupy a place] liggen (v) [occupy a place]
estar (v) [elliptical form of "be here", or similar] zijn (v) {n} [elliptical form of "be here", or similar]
estar (v) [geral] zijn (v) {n} [geral]
estar (v) [occupy a place] zijn (v) {n} [occupy a place]
estar (v) [used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase] zijn (v) {n} [used to indicate that the subject has the qualities described by a noun or noun phrase]
estar (v) [used to indicate weather, air quality, or the like] zijn (v) {n} [used to indicate weather, air quality, or the like]
estar (v) [categoria] vallen (v) {n} [categoria]
estar (v n) [to move around nervously] friemelen (v n) [to move around nervously]

PT NL Traduções para de

de (n adj int v) [parting, valedictory, final] vaarwel (n adj int v) {n} [parting, valedictory, final]
de (adj) [having or showing good taste] smakelijk (adj) [having or showing good taste]
de (adj adv n) [in extent in a direction away from the observer] diep (adj adv n) [in extent in a direction away from the observer]
de (prep adv adj n) [indicates creator of a work] vanwege (prep adv adj n) [indicates creator of a work]
de (n adj) [given or done as a polite gesture] beleefdheid (n adj) {f} [given or done as a polite gesture]
de (n adj) [given or done as a polite gesture] hoffelijkheid (n adj) {f} [given or done as a polite gesture]
de (o) [geral] van (o) [geral]
de (o) [livros] van (o) [livros]
de (o) [lugar] van (o) [lugar]
de (o) [material] van (o) [material]

PT NL Traduções para fome

fome (n) [extreme shortage of food in a region] {f} hongersnood (n) {m} [extreme shortage of food in a region]
fome (n) [geral] {f} hongersnood (n) {m} [geral]
fome (n) [sensação física] {f} honger (n) {m} [sensação física]