Obteve 3 resultados para o termo de pesquisa até o outro lado
PT Português NL Holandês
até o outro lado (o) [direção] over (o) [direção]
até o outro lado (o) [direção] naar de andere kant (o) [direção]
até o outro lado (o) [direção] naar de overkant (o) [direção]

PT NL Traduções para até

até (phrase) [see you later] later (phrase) [see you later]
até (prep) [against, next to, near, towards] naar (prep) [against, next to, near, towards]
até (prep adj) [in the direction of] naar (prep adj) [in the direction of]
até (o) [alcançando até] voor (o) {m} [alcançando até]
até (o) [até e inclusive] voor (o) {m} [até e inclusive]
até (o) [lugar] voor (o) {m} [lugar]
até (o) [tempo] voor (o) {m} [tempo]
até (o) [tempo - espaço] voor (o) {m} [tempo - espaço]
até (o) [tempo] vroeger dan (o) [tempo]
até (o) [tempo] eerder dan (o) [tempo]

PT NL Traduções para o

o (determiner adv pronoun int) [a sufficient or adequate number, amount, etc] genoeg (determiner adv pronoun int) [a sufficient or adequate number, amount, etc]
o (article adv) [article] de (article adv) [article]
o (o) [artigo definido] de (o) [artigo definido]
o (article adv) [stressed, indicating that the object in question is the only one worthy of attention] de (article adv) [stressed, indicating that the object in question is the only one worthy of attention]
o (article adv) [used as an alternative to a possessive pronoun before body parts] de (article adv) [used as an alternative to a possessive pronoun before body parts]
o (article adv) [used with the name of a member of a class to refer to all things in that class] de (article adv) [used with the name of a member of a class to refer to all things in that class]
o (article adv) [with an adjectival noun, as in “the hungry” to mean “hungry people”] de (article adv) [with an adjectival noun, as in “the hungry” to mean “hungry people”]
o (article adv) [article] het (article adv) [article]
o (o) [artigo definido] het (o) [artigo definido]
o (article adv) [stressed, indicating that the object in question is the only one worthy of attention] het (article adv) [stressed, indicating that the object in question is the only one worthy of attention]

PT NL Traduções para outro

outro (a) [determinante] ander (a) [determinante]
outro (o) [geral] ander (o) [geral]
outro (o) [pronome - singular] ander (o) [pronome - singular]
outro (a) [determinante] andere (a) [determinante]
outro (o) [geral] andere (o) [geral]
outro (o) [pronome - singular] andere (o) [pronome - singular]
outro (a) [adicional] nog een (a) [adicional]

PT NL Traduções para lado

lado (n) [anatomia] {m} aspect (n) {n} [anatomia]
lado (n) [aspecto] {m} aspect (n) {n} [aspecto]
lado (n) [geometria] {m} aspect (n) {n} [geometria]
lado (n) [geral] {m} aspect (n) {n} [geral]
lado (n) [anatomia] {m} kant (n) {m} [anatomia]
lado (n) [aspecto] {m} kant (n) {m} [aspecto]
lado (n v) [flat surface of an object] {m} kant (n v) {m} [flat surface of an object]
lado (n) [geometria] {m} kant (n) {m} [geometria]
lado (n) [geral] {m} kant (n) {m} [geral]
lado (n v) [left or right half] {m} kant (n v) {m} [left or right half]