Obteve 16 resultados para o termo de pesquisa antes de
| antes (o) [tempo] | | vooraf (o) [tempo] | |
| antes (a) [tempo] | | tijdig (a) [tempo] | |
| antes (prep adv conj) [earlier than in time] | | voor (prep adv conj) {m} [earlier than in time] | |
| antes (prep adv conj) [in front of according to an ordering system] | | voor (prep adv conj) {m} [in front of according to an ordering system] | |
| antes (o) [tempo] | | voor (o) {m} [tempo] | |
| antes (o) [tempo] | | alvorens (o) [tempo] | |
| antes (prep adv conj) [earlier than in time] | | voordat (prep adv conj) [earlier than in time] | |
| antes (o) [tempo] | | voordat (o) [tempo] | |
| antes (prep adv conj) [at an earlier time] | | voorheen (prep adv conj) [at an earlier time] | |
| antes (prep adv conj) [at an earlier time] | | vroeger (prep adv conj) [at an earlier time] | |
| de (n adj int v) [parting, valedictory, final] | | vaarwel (n adj int v) {n} [parting, valedictory, final] | |
| de (adj) [having or showing good taste] | | smakelijk (adj) [having or showing good taste] | |
| de (adj adv n) [in extent in a direction away from the observer] | | diep (adj adv n) [in extent in a direction away from the observer] | |
| de (prep adv adj n) [indicates creator of a work] | | vanwege (prep adv adj n) [indicates creator of a work] | |
| de (n adj) [given or done as a polite gesture] | | beleefdheid (n adj) {f} [given or done as a polite gesture] | |
| de (n adj) [given or done as a polite gesture] | | hoffelijkheid (n adj) {f} [given or done as a polite gesture] | |
| de (o) [geral] | | van (o) [geral] | |
| de (o) [livros] | | van (o) [livros] | |
| de (o) [lugar] | | van (o) [lugar] | |
| de (o) [material] | | van (o) [material] | |