Obteve 17 resultados para o termo de pesquisa achteruit
NL Holandês PT Português
achteruit (o) [richting] {m} atrás (o) [richting]
achteruit (adj adv n v) [gear] {m} marcha ré (adj adv n v) {f} [gear]
achteruit (n) [auto's] {m} marcha ré (n) {f} [auto's]
achteruit (adj adv) [of the direction reverse of normal] {m} retrógrado (adj adv) [of the direction reverse of normal] (pej.)
achteruit (o) [tanend] {m} em declínio (o) [tanend]
achteruit (o) [richting] {m} em declínio (o) [richting]
achteruit (adj adv) [of the direction towards the back] {m} posterior (adj adv) [of the direction towards the back]
achteruit (adj adv) [of the direction towards the back] {m} traseiro (adj adv) {m} [of the direction towards the back]
achteruit (o) [tanend] {m} atrás (o) [tanend]
achteruit (o) [nautisch] {m} à popa (o) [nautisch]
achteruit (a) [richting] {m} atrás (a) [richting]
achteruit (adj adv n v) [gear] {m} (adj adv n v) {f} [gear]
achteruit (o) [nautisch] {m} à ré (o) [nautisch]
achteruit (o) [tanend] {m} para trás (o) [tanend]
achteruit (o) [richting] {m} para trás (o) [richting]
achteruit (a) [richting] {m} para trás (a) [richting]
achteruit (o) [nautisch] {m} para trás (o) [nautisch]

Traduções de Holandês Português

NL Sinónimos de achteruit PT Traduções
rugwaarts [achterwaarts] bak
terug [achterwaarts] tilbage