Obteve 19 resultados para o termo de pesquisa stare
IT Italiano PT Português
stare (n v) [To remain in a particular place] permanecer (n v) [To remain in a particular place]
stare (n v) [to stay behind while others withdraw] remanescer (n v) [to stay behind while others withdraw]
stare (v) [used to form the continuous forms of various tenses] estar (v) [used to form the continuous forms of various tenses]
stare (v) [rimanere] hospedar-se (v) [rimanere]
stare (v) [luogo] hospedar-se (v) [luogo]
stare (n v) [to stay behind while others withdraw] restar (n v) [to stay behind while others withdraw]
stare (n v) [to stay behind while others withdraw] sobrar (n v) [to stay behind while others withdraw]
stare (n v) [to stay behind while others withdraw] permanecer (n v) [to stay behind while others withdraw]
stare (v) [rimanere] permanecer (v) [rimanere]
stare (v) [luogo] permanecer (v) [luogo]
stare escutar
stare (n v) [to stay behind while others withdraw] ficar (n v) [to stay behind while others withdraw]
stare (v) [rimanere] ficar (v) [rimanere]
stare (v) [posizione] ficar (v) [posizione]
stare (v) [luogo] ficar (v) [luogo]
stare (n v) [To remain in a particular place] ficar (n v) [To remain in a particular place]
stare (v) [posizione] situar-se (v) [posizione]
stare (v) [posizione] estar situado (v) [posizione]
stare (v) [posizione] estar localizado (v) [posizione]

Traduções de Italiano Português