PT HI Traduções de Português Hindi para श्रृंखला
Obteve 4 resultados para o termo de pesquisa श्रृंखला
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HI | Hindi | PT | Português | |
श्रृंखला (n v) [series of interconnected rings or links] (n adj) | corrente (n v) {f} [series of interconnected rings or links] | |||
श्रृंखला (n v) [series of interconnected rings or links] (n adj) | cadeia (n v) {f} [series of interconnected rings or links] | |||
श्रृंखला (n adj) [television or radio program] (n adj) | série (n adj) {f} [television or radio program] | |||
श्रृंखला (n adj) [television or radio program] (n adj) | seriado (n adj) {m} [television or radio program] |