Obteve 8 resultados para o termo de pesquisa ले जाना
HI Hindi PT Português
ले जाना (n adj adv v) [to carry] (le jānā) carregar (n adj adv v) [to carry]
ले जाना (v n) [to transport by lifting] (le jānā) carregar (v n) [to transport by lifting]
ले जाना (n adj adv v) [to carry] (le jānā) levar (n adj adv v) [to carry]
ले जाना (v n) [to transport by lifting] (le jānā) levar (v n) [to transport by lifting]
ले जाना (le jānā) portar
ले जाना (n adj adv v) [to carry] (le jānā) portar (n adj adv v) [to carry]
ले जाना (le jānā) levar
ले जाना (le jānā) carregar

HI PT Traduções para जाना

जाना (jānā) ir
जाना (v n) [to move through space (especially from one place to another)] (jānā) ir (v n) [to move through space (especially from one place to another)]
जाना (jānā) andar {m}
जाना (jānā) caminhar