PT FR Traduções de Português Francês para ensemble
Obteve 30 resultados para o termo de pesquisa ensemble
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FR | Francês | PT | Português | |
ensemble (n) [a group of musicians, dancers etc who perform together; the chorus of a ballet company] {m} | conjunto (n) {m} [a group of musicians, dancers etc who perform together; the chorus of a ballet company] | |||
ensemble (n) [a group of musicians, dancers etc who perform together; the chorus of a ballet company] {m} | ensemble (n) [a group of musicians, dancers etc who perform together; the chorus of a ballet company] (n) | |||
ensemble (o) [général] {m} | entre si (o) [général] | |||
ensemble (o) [groupe] {m} | entre si (o) [groupe] | |||
ensemble (n) [a group of separate things that contribute to a coordinated whole] {m} | sistema (n) {m} [a group of separate things that contribute to a coordinated whole] | |||
ensemble (n) [outils] {m} | jogo (n) {m} [outils] | |||
ensemble (v n adj) [matching collection of similar things, such as a set of tables] {m} | jogo (v n adj) {m} [matching collection of similar things, such as a set of tables] | |||
ensemble (n v) [suit of clothes] {m} | traje (n v) {m} [suit of clothes] | |||
ensemble (n v) [suit of clothes] {m} | fato (n v) {m} [suit of clothes] | |||
ensemble (n) [tout] {m} | unidade (n) {f} [tout] | |||
ensemble (n) [vêtements] {m} | conjunto (n) {m} [vêtements] | |||
ensemble (v n adj) [set theory: collection of objects] {m} | conjunto (v n adj) {m} [set theory: collection of objects] | |||
ensemble (n) [outils] {m} | conjunto (n) {m} [outils] | |||
ensemble (n) [musique] {m} | conjunto (n) {m} [musique] | |||
ensemble (v n adj) [matching collection of similar things, such as a set of tables] {m} | conjunto (v n adj) {m} [matching collection of similar things, such as a set of tables] | |||
ensemble (adj adv n) [something complete] {m} | todo (adj adv n) {m} [something complete] | |||
ensemble (o) [général] {m} | juntos (o) [général] | |||
ensemble (o) [groupe] {m} | juntos (o) [groupe] | |||
ensemble {m} | juntos | |||
ensemble (n) [gens] {m} | bando (n) {m} [gens] | |||
ensemble (n v) [suit of clothes] {m} | terno (n v) {m} [suit of clothes] | |||
ensemble (n) [gens] {m} | turma (n) {f} [gens] | |||
ensemble (n) [gens] {m} | grupo (n) {m} [gens] | |||
ensemble (o) [général] {m} | junto (o) {m} [général] | |||
ensemble (o) [groupe] {m} | junto (o) {m} [groupe] | |||
ensemble (adv adj) [at the same time, in the same place] {m} | junto (adv adj) {m} [at the same time, in the same place] | |||
ensemble {m} | junto {m} | |||
ensemble (n) [tout] {m} | todo (n) {m} [tout] | |||
ensemble {m} | junta {f} |
Traduções de Francês Português
FR | Sinónimos de ensemble | PT | Traduções | |
entente [état] f | pacto {m} | |||
paix [état] f | tranquilidade (n v) | |||
fraternité [état] f | irmandade {f} | |||
sympathie [état] f | afinidade {f} | |||
affinité [état] f | afinidade {f} | |||
concorde [état] f | concórdia {f} | |||
communion [état] f | comunidade {f} | |||
bonne intelligence [état] f | entendimento {m} | |||
concert [état] m | apresentação {f} | |||
harmonie [état] f | união {f} | |||
collusion [état] f | colusão (n) | |||
complicité [état] f | ligação {f} | |||
connivence [état] f | participação {f} | |||
accord [état] m | concordância {f} | |||
en même temps [temps] | ao todo (adv) | |||
simultanément [temps] | simultaneamente | |||
assortiment [collection] m | jogo {m} | |||
combinaison [collection] f | combinação {f} | |||
groupe [collection] m | grupo {m} | |||
mélange [collection] m | gororoba |