Obteve 11 resultados para o termo de pesquisa virtuous
EN Inglês PT Português
virtuous (adj) [full of virtue, having excellent moral character] nobre (adj) {m} [full of virtue, having excellent moral character]
virtuous (a) [moral behavior] justo (a) [moral behavior]
virtuous (a) [moral behavior] certo (a) [moral behavior]
virtuous (a) [moral behavior] direito (a) {m} [moral behavior]
virtuous (a) [moral behavior] correto (a) [moral behavior]
virtuous (adj) [full of virtue, having excellent moral character] digno (adj) [full of virtue, having excellent moral character]
virtuous (a) [moral behavior] casto (a) [moral behavior]
virtuous (a) [character] virtuoso (a) {m} [character]
virtuous (adj) [full of virtue, having excellent moral character] virtuoso (adj) {m} [full of virtue, having excellent moral character]
virtuous (a) [moral behavior] virtuoso (a) {m} [moral behavior]
virtuous purodo

Traduções de Inglês Português

EN Sinónimos de virtuous PT Traduções
truthful [characteristic] sinceroha
upright [characteristic] honestor
just [characteristic] justoi
moral [characteristic] moralo
fair [characteristic] decente
worthy [characteristic] meritório
honest [characteristic] sinceroha
pure [state] purodo
chaste [state] casto
decent [state] dignificante
true [honest] verdadeiro
ethical [honest] moralo
noble [honest] de sentimentos elevados
righteous [character trait] honrador
exemplary [character trait] modelar
conscientious [character trait] consciencioso
blameless [character trait] perfeito tempo
good [character trait] bom
lofty [elevated] eminentera
inspiring [elevated] inspirar