Obteve 3 resultados para o termo de pesquisa theory
EN Inglês PT Português
theory (n) [a coherent set of statements attempting to explain observed phenomena] teoria (n) {f} [a coherent set of statements attempting to explain observed phenomena]
theory (n) [general] teoria (n) {f} [general]
theory teoriao(a)

Traduções de Inglês Português

EN Sinónimos de theory PT Traduções
speculation [guess] especulacion
conjecture [guess] teoría {f}
hypothesis [guess] hipotesis
idea [guess] concepto {m}
thought [guess] pensamiento {m}
suspicion [guess] sospecha {f}
surmise [guess] (formal figurarse
basis [fundamental principle] basa
conception [fundamental principle] idea {f}
philosophy [fundamental principle] filosofía {f}
truth [fundamental principle] verdad {f}
law [fundamental principle] ley {f}
postulate [fundamental principle] (formal dar por sentado
axiom [fundamental principle] axiom
concept [notion] concepto {m}
mock-up [notion] maqueta {f}
abstraction [notion] abstracción {f}
estimate [assumption] juzgar
estimation [assumption] valoración {f}
guess [assumption] (informal conjetura {f}