Obteve 15 resultados para o termo de pesquisa short
PT Português EN Inglês
short (n) [pants worn primarily in the summer that do not go lower than the knees] {m} shorts (n) [pants worn primarily in the summer that do not go lower than the knees]
short (n) [vestimenta] {m} shorts (n) [vestimenta]
EN Inglês PT Português
short (a) [size] baixo (a) {m} [size]
short (a) [behavior] breve (a) {f} [behavior]
short (a) [time] breve (a) {f} [time]
short (o) [time] de repente (o) [time]
short pequeno
short (a) [distance] pequeno (a) [distance]
short (a) [size] pequeno (a) [size]
short (o) [time] bruscamente (o) [time]
short (a) [distance] curto (a) [distance]
short (a) [hair] curto (a) [hair]
short (a) [time] curto (a) [time]
short (adj adv n v) [a short circuit] curto-circuito (adj adv n v) {m} [a short circuit]
short curto(a)ão)

Traduções de Inglês Português

EN Sinónimos de short PT Traduções
weak [deficient] 薄い (usui)
heart [subject] 心臓
meat [subject]
abrupt [curt] 突然
brusque [curt] 無礼な (adj)
abbreviated [shortened] 略した (adj)
fleeting [duration] 儚い (adj n)
temporary [duration] 臨時の (adj n)
transient [duration] (formal 過渡 (adj n)
comprehensive [condensed] 包括的な (adj n)
scarce [lacking] 稀な (adj adv)
small [size] 小さい
tiny [size] 微小な (adj)
slight [size] 軽視 (adj v n)
diminutive [size] 指小辞 (adj n)
sharp [behaviour] 犀利な (adj adv n v)
rude [behaviour] 失礼 (adj)