Obteve 9 resultados para o termo de pesquisa self-sufficient
EN Inglês PT Português
self-sufficient (a) [behavior] convencido (a) {m} [behavior]
self-sufficient (a) [behavior] metido (a) {m} [behavior]
self-sufficient (a) [behavior] presunçoso (a) {m} [behavior]
self-sufficient (a) [behavior] arrogante (a) [behavior]
self-sufficient (a) [behavior] altivo (a) [behavior]
EN Inglês PT Português
self-sufficient (a) [behavior] orgulhoso (a) [behavior]
self-sufficient (a) [politics] auto-suficiente (a) [politics]
self-sufficient (a) [supply] auto-suficiente (a) [supply]
self-sufficient (adj) [able to provide for oneself independently of others] autossuficiente (adj) [able to provide for oneself independently of others] (adj)

Traduções de Inglês Português

EN Sinónimos de self-sufficient PT Traduções
conceited [excessively self-confident] vanidoso
self-satisfied [excessively self-confident] satisfecho de sí mismo
smug [excessively self-confident] (pej. creído
haughty [excessively self-confident] orgulloso {m}
egotistic [excessively self-confident] egotista {m}
self-reliant [not needing others] autosuficiente
independent [not needing others] independiente
self-supporting [not needing others] que se sostiene por sí mismo
resolute [not needing others] resoluto (adj)
competent [not needing others] idóneo