Obteve 21 resultados para o termo de pesquisa rally
EN Inglês PT Português
rally retrovisor (espelho)
rally retrospectiva(o)ho)
rally retrogradara(o)ho)
rally retrocesso(espelho)
rally (n) [meeting] comício (n) {m} [meeting]
rally (n) [meeting] assembléia (n) {f} [meeting]
rally (v) [motivation] empurrar (v) [motivation] (informal)
rally (v) [Stock Market] reaquecer-se (v) [Stock Market]
rally reumatismo {m}
rally (n) [sports - car racing] rali (n) {m} [sports - car racing]
rally (v) [health] refazer-se (v) [health]
rally (v) [health] recuperar-se (v) [health]
rally (v) [Stock Market] recuperar-se (v) [Stock Market]
rally (n) [sports - tennis] duelo (n) {m} [sports - tennis]
rally (v) [motivation] animar (v) [motivation]
rally (v) [motivation] encorajar (v) [motivation]

Traduções de Inglês Português

EN Sinónimos de rally PT Traduções
call together [bring together] reunir
congregate [bring together] congregar
convene [bring together] convocar
gather [bring together] cosechar
muster [bring together] (formal armarse de
summon [bring together] citar
assemble [bring together] congregar
come around [come to life] recobrar la conciencia
revive [come to life] revivir
recover [come to life] sanar
recuperate [come to life] recobrar
come to [come to life] volver en sí
live [revive] vivir
bring together [assemble] poner en contacto
arouse [stir] (formal despertar {m}
awaken [stir] despertarse
whet [stir] (formal afilar
kindle [stir] inflamar
conference [talk] conferencia {f}
gathering [talk] recolección {f}