Obteve 6 resultados para o termo de pesquisa AT
EN Inglês PT Português
at (o) [price] por (o) [price]
at a
at (o) [time] a (o) [time]
at (o) [proximity] em (o) [proximity]
at emilha
at em

Traduções de Inglês Português

EN Sinónimos de at PT Traduções
near [position] těsně
by [position] boční
beside [position] kromě toho
adjacent [position] (formal sousedící
along [position] společně s
approaching [movement] přibližuje
toward [movement] směrem k (prep adj)
proceeding [movement] způsob {m}
moving [movement] pohybování
on [movement] na programu
during [part of speech] po dobu (prep)
while [part of speech] zatímco
whilst [part of speech] mezitím
meanwhile [part of speech] prozatím
in [part of speech] do
around [in the direction of] kolem
close to [in the direction of] blízko