Obteve 14 resultados para o termo de pesquisa after
EN Inglês PT Português
after (o) [time] além de (o) [time]
after (o) [adverb] depois (o) [adverb]
after (o) [conjunction] depois (o) [conjunction]
after (o) [preposition] depois (o) [preposition]
after (o) [adverb] logo depois (o) [adverb]
after (o) [adverb] mais tarde (o) [adverb]
after (o) [adverb] logo em seguida (o) [adverb]
after (o) [adverb] em seguida (o) [adverb]
after (o) [purpose] propenso a (o) [purpose]
after (o) [purpose] inclinado a (o) [purpose]
after depois de
after (adv prep conj adj) [Signifies that the action of its clause takes place before the action of the other clause] depois de (adv prep conj adj) [Signifies that the action of its clause takes place before the action of the other clause]
after (o) [time] depois de (o) [time]
after trás

Traduções de Inglês Português

EN Sinónimos de after PT Traduções
following [position] volgende
behind [position] agterent
below [position] onderaan
next [position] volgende
since [position] sedert
later [time] later
subsequently [time] later
back [posterior] terug
rear [posterior] teel
remote [posterior] ver