Obteve 11 resultados para o termo de pesquisa affliction
EN Inglês PT Português
affliction desgostoso
affliction desgraçado {m}
affliction (n) [a state of pain, suffering, distress or agony] aflição (n) {f} [a state of pain, suffering, distress or agony]
affliction (n) [emotional condition] aflição (n) {f} [emotional condition]
affliction (n) [emotional condition] dor (n) {f} [emotional condition]
affliction (n) [physical sensation] dor (n) {f} [physical sensation]
affliction (n) [emotional condition] sofrimento (n) {m} [emotional condition]
affliction (n) [physical sensation] sofrimento (n) {m} [physical sensation]
affliction desgostar
affliction doenças
affliction doença {f}

Traduções de Inglês Português

EN Sinónimos de affliction PT Traduções
torment [grief] Marter {f}
worry [grief] ängstigen (sich)
distress [grief] Schwierigkeit {f}
dolour [grief] Pein (f)
woe [grief] (literature Gram {m}
agony [grief] Pein (f)
adversity [grief] Widrigkeit {f}
complex [set of symptoms] vielschichtig
diagnostic [set of symptoms] diagnostisch
evidence [set of symptoms] Material {n}
manifestation [set of symptoms] Kundgebung
disease [set of symptoms] Morbus
syndrome [set of symptoms] (informal Krankheitsbild {n}
cross [encumbrance] schneiden (sich)
hardship [encumbrance] Not {f}
onus [encumbrance] (formal Pflicht {f}
ordeal [encumbrance] Zerreißprobe
trial [encumbrance] (run) Versuch
burden [encumbrance] Hypothek {f}
grievance [encumbrance] Beschwer