Português Inglês
setor sector
Setor primário Primary sector of economic activity
setor privado private sector
setor público public sector
Setor quaternário Quaternary sector of industry
Setor secundário Secondary sector of industry
Setor terciário Tertiary sector of industry
setra slingshot
Setsuan Sichuan
Setsuna Meioh Sailor Pluto
seTswana Tswana
setter setter
setuagenária septuagenarian
setuagenário septuagenarian
setuagésimo seventieth
Setúbal Setúbal
seu yours
Seubersdorf Seubersdorf
Seukendorf Seukendorf
Seul Seoul
seundo(a) yourself
seuo(a)ha its
seus home front
seus(a)ha yourswe
Seuzach Seuzach
Sevastopol Sevastopol
Sevelen Sevelen
Seven Little Fortunes Seven Little Fortunes
Seven Year Itch Seven Year Itch
Seven-card stud Seven-card stud
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
severamente badly
severidade roughness
severo rigorous
Severo Fernández Alonso Caballero Severo Fernández
Severo Ochoa Severo Ochoa
Severo Snape Severus Snape
severoeira harsh
Seversk Seversk
Sevgein Sevgein
Sevii Islands Sevii Islands
Sevilha Seville
Sevilhanas Sevillanas
Sevilla Fútbol Club Sevilla FC
sewing-caixa sewing-box
sewing-cesta sewing-basket
sewing-classe sewing-class
sewing-coisas sewing-things
sewing-enfíe sewing-thread
sewing-máquina sewing-machine
sex sex
Sex and the City Sex and the City
sex appeal sex appeal
Sex on the Beach Sex on the beach
Sex Pistols Sex Pistols
sex shop sex shop
sex symbol sex symbol
sex-appeal sex appeal
sexagenária sexagenarian
sexagenário sexagenarian
sexagésimo sixtieth