Obteve 15 resultados para o termo de pesquisa Verband
DE Alemão PT Português
Verband (n v) [an administrative division of an organization] {m} divisão (n v) {f} [an administrative division of an organization]
Verband (n) [allgemein] {m} associação (n) {f} [allgemein]
Verband (n) [allgemein] {m} federação (n) {f} [allgemein]
Verband [Medizin] {m} gaze {f} [Medizin]
Verband (n) [Medizin] {m} gaze (n) {f} [Medizin]
DE Alemão PT Português
Verband (n) [allgemein] {m} organização (n) {f} [allgemein]
Verband (n) [material applied to a wound for protection or therapy] {m} curativo (n) [material applied to a wound for protection or therapy]
Verband (n v) [medical binding] {m} curativo (n v) [medical binding]
Verband [Medizin] {m} bandagem {f} [Medizin]
Verband (n) [Medizin] {m} bandagem (n) {f} [Medizin]
Verband (n v) [medical binding] {m} bandagem (n v) {f} [medical binding]
Verband (n v) [medical binding] {m} atadura (n v) {f} [medical binding]
Verband (n) [allgemein] {m} grémio (n) {f} [allgemein]
Verband (n v) [medical binding] {m} penso (n v) [medical binding]
Verband {m} associações

Traduções de Alemão Português

DE Sinónimos de verband PT Traduções
Partei [Einheit] f party
Organisation [Einheit] f organization
Gattung [Einheit] genus
Flotte [Einheit] f fleet
Fraktion [Einheit] f fraction
Kommando [Einheit] n commando
Fach [Einheit] n subject (formal)
Korps [Einheit] n military unit
Haufen [Einheit] m large amount
Rubrik [Einheit] f rubric (formal)
Geschwader [Einheit] (n squadron
Schar [Einheit] f swarm
Kolonne [Einheit] (f column
Klasse [Einheit] f classification
Belegschaft [Einheit] f labor force
Teil [Einheit] n part
Abteilung [Einheit] f group of soldiers
Satz [Einheit] m sentence
Station [Einheit] f station
Gruppe [Einheit] f group