Obteve 4 resultados para o termo de pesquisa com a ajuda de
PT Português DE Alemão
com a ajuda de (o) [objeto] mithilfe (o) [objeto]
com a ajuda de (o) [objeto] mittels (o) [objeto]
com a ajuda de (o) [pessoa] mit dem Beistand von (o) [pessoa]
com a ajuda de (o) [pessoa] mit der Hilfe von (o) [pessoa]

PT DE Traduções para com

com (adv) [very well] ausgezeichnet (adv) [very well]
com (adv) [by that] damit (adv) [by that]
com (adj n) [feeling the need for sleep] schläfrig (adj n) [feeling the need for sleep]
com (prep) [in support of] bei (prep) [in support of]
com (o) [na companhia de] bei (o) [na companhia de]
com (adj) [impressed with fear or apprehension; in fear; apprehensive] ängstlich (adj) [impressed with fear or apprehension; in fear; apprehensive]
com (prep) [against] gegen (prep) [against]
com (n) mit (n)
com (prep) [against] mit (prep) [against]
com (prep) [by means of] mit (prep) [by means of]

PT DE Traduções para a

a zu
a zu
a (prep adj) [in the direction of] zu (prep adj) [in the direction of]
a (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at] zu (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at]
a (particle prep adv) [used to indicate ratios] zu (particle prep adv) [used to indicate ratios]
a nach
a nach
a (prep adj) [in the direction of] nach (prep adj) [in the direction of]
a (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at] nach (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at]
a an

PT DE Traduções para ajuda

ajuda (n v) [Aid, assistance or relief from distress] {f} Beistand (n v) {m} [Aid, assistance or relief from distress]
ajuda (n) [assistência] {f} Beistand (n) {m} [assistência]
ajuda (n) [socorro] {f} Beistand (n) {m} [socorro]
ajuda (n v) [Aid, assistance or relief from distress] {f} Unterstützung (n v) {f} [Aid, assistance or relief from distress]
ajuda (n) [assistência] {f} Unterstützung (n) {f} [assistência]
ajuda (n) [socorro] {f} Unterstützung (n) {f} [socorro]
ajuda (n) [resultado] {f} Mittel (n) {n} [resultado]
ajuda (n) {f} Hilfe (n) {f}
ajuda (n v) [Aid, assistance or relief from distress] {f} Hilfe (n v) {f} [Aid, assistance or relief from distress]
ajuda (n) [assistência] {f} Hilfe (n) {f} [assistência]

PT DE Traduções para de

de (v) trotzdem (v)
de (adj adv n) [in extent in a direction away from the observer] tief (adj adv n) [in extent in a direction away from the observer]
de (adv) [small amount at a time] nach und nach (adv) [small amount at a time]
de (adv) [small amount at a time] Stück für Stück (adv) [small amount at a time]
de (o) [geral] zu (o) [geral]
de (o) [geral] für (o) [geral]
de (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of] vor (prep) [with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of]
de (o) [viajar] über (o) [viajar]
de (adj) [offensive] anstößig (adj) [offensive]
de (o) [livros] durch (o) [livros]